
Frankfurt 2010

Blog de la Feria de Frankfurt dedicado a Argentina como país invitado.

No puedo evitar comentar que hay un reportaje a Guillermo Martínez con una pregunta (y una respuesta) muy peculiares:

Jorge Luis Borges and you are the only Argentinian writers to date to have had your stories published in the New Yorker magazine. What do you have in common and what differentiates you from him?
I tend to be compared to Borges often abroad. That has to do with the fact that his is the only well-known Argentinian name there. After Borges and Julio Cortázar, few Argentinian writers established names for themselves. There are a few questions regarding literary language that connect me to him – like an abridgement of the dictionary and the search for a certain simplicity in precision.
There is also always an underlying philosophical question in my books — to return to a literary tradition and then allow it to resound in the text. By this I mean hearken back to a literary tradition, see what is there and then use it as the foundation for saying something new. Not something new for the sake of new, but rather something new in opposition to and competition with a tradition. These are some of the elements that could possibly connect me with the heritage of Borges.

(Sí, claro, recuerdo que a mí me comparaban con Maradona porque era petiso como él...)

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